“Deep in your hearts you know that every promise of the Lord your God has come true. Not a single one has failed!” (Joshua 23:14, NLT) Life is messy. Rarely is it simple or straight-forward. It’s beautiful and lovely, but it’s also full of hurt, pain, suffering and difficult moments that make us wonder how we’re going to get through.
As Christ-followers, we are not immune to the hurt and suffering in this life. And there are many times when life is plain ugly: • When you’re down to your last cent in the bank • When an accident forces you to quit your job • When you’re faced with a devastating diagnosis • When a child rebels • When bills are mounting and you can’t see a way out • When a marriage breaks down • When friendships dissolve • When anxiety suffocates you It’s times like these when the questions creep in. Why is this happening? What have I done to deserve this? What’s going to happen next? I love the following quote from Corrie Ten Boom: Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. If anyone had reason to fear the future, it would be Corrie. And yet, despite her dire circumstances, and the huge unknowns ahead of her, she continued to put her faith in God. Why? Because she knew God and His character. She knew what He had done, and what He had promised to do. She didn’t know her future, but she knew the One who did. When life’s storms threaten to sweep you away, when you’re filled with questions that seem to have no answer, hold fast to what you know. Know that: • God is good • The Lord’s mercies are new every day • God will never leave you or forsake you • He will provide all your needs • He keeps His promises We may not know what the future holds. We may be frightened of what’s around the next corner. We may not be able to see a possible way out of our situation. Life may still be painful and gut-wrenchingly difficult, but hold fast to what you know. Let hope be the anchor for your soul. Blessings, Kristen.